3) Keep bolt carriage and bolt of Winzeler crossbow clean
Both surfaces of bolt carriage (2) and bolt (1) itself, which touch, have to be kept clean.
I.e. bolts (1), especially their rears, must be free of any dirt.
Brunnwiesenstrasse 56
8049 Zuerich - Schweiz
Crossbow Manufacturer
Armbrust Fabrikation
Fabrication d'arbalètes
Check screws of crossbow
Check batteries of crossbow
Keep bolt carriage and bolt clean
Lubricate rail and bolt carriage
Shelter your crossbow
Grease eyes of bow string
Cock bow correctly
Set arrow correctly on rail
Press arrow in arrow spring
Never do dry firing
Preparations for storage
Maintenance of crossbows
©Photo by
Eric Maurer
of Skatetrix Sport Company
Both surfaces of bolt carriage (2) and bolt (1) itself, which touch, have to be kept clean.
I.e. bolts (1), especially their rears, must be free of any dirt.
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4) Lubricate rail and bolt carriage of Winzeler crossbow
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